目前分類:生活雜碎 (125)

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Just want to write down two very fond memories involving Dad on fathers' day.

When I was still in kindergarten, there once was a big typhoon that came very swift and we had to cut class in the middle of the day. Mom and Dad were both at work (or so I thought), and though all my classmates had left, I was stuck in the kindergarten not knowing what to do. Then Dad came, I only remember that he gave me a pink raincoat and then carried me downstairs.  We lived in CWB then and my kindergarten was also there but still we had to walk several blocks. It was dark and it seemd that the sky was falling though it was only mid-day. Water was up to knee high and father carried me and 涉水而行. I felt both scared and safe on his shoulder.  This picture was still very vivid in my mind, and Dad was my rescuer (both from the wind and from the embarrassment) at the time.

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I knew I was not pretty starting from 11 years old (around that time), Actually, "not pretty" is an understatement, I am not even plain but a bit.... 難睇. Did complain to Mom and Mom said "you are OK ah, At least 60 marks!!".

Now, if even your mom says you only worth 60, you should seriously start accepting that you are kind of  難睇. I have no views on plastic surgery but just do not want to waste money and time.

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[Preamble deleted to preserve reader's health


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經過一個多月的非人生活, 琴日卒之可以做返一陣人, 雖然仍要返工(今日都要啦

) 但就趕到黃昏去香港藝術館睇林風眠, 同不中不西...

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  • May 25 Fri 2007 17:31
  • 鬱悶

Hubby is at South China again enjoying himself... and I am here in office wanting to leave (forever), wanting to vaporise, wanting to disappear....

When arguing about what kind of boss we'd like

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Office has been like hell these few days/ weeks. The whole team worked till 10:00 p.m. on average and some even took home the work. To cheer everybody up, we've arranged a 遠期 K-party towards the end of the month (as we could only have time then).

I've vowed to sing 愛多八十年... and will definitely follow 白花油王子勁似6 or70年代的舞步.... (hm,

will have to buy a pair of "cha cha" before hand

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工時35小時 法國人仍不滿

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To all mothers - HAPPY MOTHER's Day!!!!

Ai-ya, forgot to take shots 

 of the dishes I made  --- clumsy me!!!

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There are three light bulbs in room A and three switches (for each of the bulb) in room B. You cannot see room A from room B (vice versa). You are allowed to visit both room A and room B once and you'll need to tell which switch corresponds to which light bulb. How to do it??

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未寫答案前想講下那時我們是如何估答案, 我們不停問: was the boy an idiot? did he slip...出題人只會答"係", "唔係", n "無關係". 有了"正解", 再講下見解. 例如第一條"信天翁", 當時的問題是有關兩個好朋友而非情侶, 而生還者是盲的 (解釋點解佢肯食). 於是我們會講友情何價, 是否更應生存下去, ........ 雖然問題好多犯駁, 但都好thought provoking.

好似另一條講個人在高處跳樓, 途中聽到電話聲就後悔.................... 原因係之前佢以為全世界淨返佢一個, 我們就討論人的需要......

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自己是中大人, 師弟妹自年前的XX迎新營後, 再有情色報.

我不反對討論性, 但搞個性學會, 認認真真的討論可以嗎...

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Can't agree more that we need to rethink how to spend the few "XX" days.  I remember witnessing some "sons" who 起掙飛報紙霸位 on that day, What for??

 But if you visit the Cantonese restaurants during a "normal" Sat or Sun, you'll see many old papas/ mamas waiting there alone, 霸位 for their kids or grandkids. No matter what you do on Mother's Day, the work done won't count much if you don't really care for them and care about them on the other 364 days. In fact,
I consider asking 老人家 to 同人逼 on that day a crime. Can't we take them to nicer place or cook them a meal on that day. Isn't it more meaningful for you to give them a call every now and then such that they know they are missed and care about? (I am trying very hard to do this for my mom, who always calls me before I call. I recognise that Mom is very happy everytime I call .....

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某天, 足球場上, 兩業餘隊對壘

年青人甲: 呀叔, 開左波嫁哪boh!!

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Went along the Central - Mid level elevator today to have lunch at Soho and saw a skinny old lady trying to pick a used can from the trash bin. 好心痛 do not know what we can do to help such old people who have to rely on selling metal/ paper to support themselves.  Then, passed the MTR 2-dollar discount stand and heard a guy chatting with his friends, saying something like "you only got $2 discount, forget it!!! Why bother? It's only $2".

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  • Apr 18 Wed 2007 20:14
  • 天藍

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前往海口、福州或三亞 只需低至港幣800元


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話說姐夫月前辭職唔撈, 學人賣日本精品, 但要去日本入貨, 仲兩公婆一齊去 (=cost x 2), 賣得又平 (佢地話薄利多銷, 我就話薄X多銷). 下星期又話要去日本入貨 (o下, mai一個月去一次??!!)

我同老公兩個"八"人一聽, 就話姐夫無可能賺到生活費..

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話說, 香港最早期的車牌只有number, 後來就有HK字頭, 跟住係 XX字頭, 之後先由AA開始排.

HK 好易明, Hong Kong ma. XX le?????

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