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農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(21) 人氣()

前幾天在小巴上聽到... 一隻小時常聽的日本民歌 ...

風....在香港, 較為人孰知的是區瑞強的版本, 隔離村的blog 友有個頗詳盡的介紹...

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還未到農曆新年, 但在好旺角買了這錢罌,

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Read 火's extra 支出 today (pls see quote "引用"). His blog reminds me of my recent discussion with a friend on what I termed as "the schindler syndrome".

If you have not yet watched the 1993 movie Schindler's List, do try to borrow a copy and watch it, this is one of the greatest films in the 20th century. It told the story of a Nazi-German who saved several thousand Jews during WW II. Read the wikipedia for details.  

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今晚我和老公手電都有missed call from my mom's mobile - 農媽的慳儉習慣無幾何用手機call 我倆,即回電 - n次 

無人聽!!! 屋企都無?? call 了農姊,見農媽無call佢, 稍為安心, 應非關急事

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每次講起呢過遊戲節目, 未講完自己已經笑到標眼水,

, 但聽的人還是一臉茫然, 係我的冷笑話中至凍的一個.....

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Merchant of Venice - one of Shakespeare's best known comedies - is a story roughly with the following plot

15th Century, Antonio, a merchant, and Bassanio were good friends. Bassanio wanted to go to Belmonte to woo the pretty, witty and wealthy Portia, and sought help from Antonio. Antonio's ships were all at sea and did not have the money for Bassanio.  Loving Bassanio and wanting Bassanio to be happy, Antonio approached the loan shark, Shylock, whom he had always dispised, for money. 

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另一個記得的電視series 是北斗星.... 劉松仁是那個社工

其中一個故事 - 好似叫天生我材

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農婦都快四十喇, 決定趁未失憶


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