目前分類:書中自有.... (18)

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農婦大大話話都去圖書館訂書訂左十幾次。。。都未試過想買。。。但呢本。。。。真係好想留低佢。。。blog友 Maureen。。。開口中呀!

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但奇人黎智英.。。真的如歷代梟雄,有能力羅致能人異士.。。。其中不大“起眼”的實力派, 是 盧峯 先生。

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農婦買書... 多數唔在書展買...但今年有兩個"目標"...於是... 7月23日晚 (七點後)....無無聊聊去行下書展.... 又唔係好多人....good!!!

目標一: 內地很火的作家韓寒編的"雙月刊"獨唱團--創刊號 (農婦只零碎的讀過韓寒的文章, 覺得ok, 買這個...純為好奇...) ...內地作者(在生的)...農婦覺得易中天好好玩, 余華則仍是心頭好.... (近代的......農婦最愛,則非錢鍾書莫屬)

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Watched the movie before Christmas. Meryl Streep, as usual, is a superb actress.  Normally, would only buy movie related stuff if I am thrilled with the movie. This time, the case is different.

The movie is not touching nor inspiring (but I am not saying that it is not a good movie). The movie is easy and pleasant to watch... that is it.

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"The Road" ... a very heavy book ... but a good -- or, may I say, a great book.  I had to stop now and then when reading the book because of the pain inside (you will ache seeing the "man" and the "child" striving to survive without any certainty for personal safety, nutrition and shelter)...... but still ... if you wanna read one book this year ... read this (Chinese version :長路).

The Road is about the journey taken by "a man" and "a boy" in the post apocalyptic world (trying to go South where it should be warmer). The book does not try to give you any hint on how the world ends. It does not even bother to give you hope that mankind will survive ... but still ... the bond between the kid (still with a heart of gold) and the man is soo touching that you cannot put the book down once you've started reading it. And you would worry about the two when you are not reading ... 

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國寶來香港, 有時間記得去看看.

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"We can end poverty by 2025... and change the world forever"

This is the catch of the book - can we really??

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睇過好笑的書唔少, 但大都唔記得, 介紹以下幾本記得的

樣衰呀闊, 謝立文的手筆, 講一隻住在彩虹"村"的無聊兔仔,充滿香港成長的印記. 若你曾試過為作文的字數頭痕, 若你對生命有好多無聊問題, 必讀, 推介:抄標員, 好笑指數

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