
國寶來香港, 有時間記得去看看.

bought the ticket and will go and see the real thing next week. Heard that the work would not be publicly shown for a long time after this. Hence, do grasp the opportunity to see the 國寶. 

To get soft background of 清明上河圖, we can read 李尉昂 (i.e. 黃仁宇)'s 汴京殘夢 which is actually a 歷史小說 The story is about a 儒生 徐承茵 who went to the capital汴京 to sit for exam (科舉), Unfortunately, the exam was cancelled by the emporer
who wanted to run academy instead 廢
科舉、興學校 .
then entered the academy and joined the team drawing the 清明上河圖 . In the book had a short romance with one of the princesses but you would probably not like the story, as was definitely 優柔寡斷 and 懦弱 and not the model 男主角.

I read the book many years ago and can't remember the details. But the whole book gives you a strong feeling that a person cannot control his own life and everything is predestined and that even during 北宋, the government was very lousy and choatic and 朝令夕改. As for 清明上河圖, it was by many many  儒生, 張擇端 was the lead drawer (but not the only lead drawer as the drawing of this spanned several years), he was probably the lead drawer for a long time, though,

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