目前分類:世界(除日本.中國)遊遊蕩蕩 (18)

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last night in Jarkata.... went to this exclusive Chi Seafood restaurant.... browsing the menu... shocked!! how could the stuff be soooo pricy? ... even more expensive than a normal restaurant in HK.... but a U grad in Indonesia only earns 1/10 of that in HK!!

flaming shrimp.... OKOK

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after the busy CNY's day... the whole family ... including 4th and 5th uncles and family... 1st, 5th and 6th aunties all went to Bandung....wow.... a fleet of six cars....  

Xth cousin studied at Bandung and hence knows the way... we first went to an exotic resturant to have lunch... nice food....nice view

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當晚.。。吃了七八隻翼。。。有就甘蒸熟.。。同不同做法的ayam (chicken) goreng (deep fat fried)

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hea完一大輪。。。跟表妹們出去逛逛。。。舅舅家在CBD。。。近HSBC。。。所以。。。出外。。。會有點塞車。。。RAN 完ERRANDS。。。又吃。。。這家。。有點像香港的CAFE。。。陳設多用木。。。實木。。。

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農家的長輩...是印尼華僑...話說全家除農婦外(是的, 農公都去過Jakarta 同 Bali)...人人都去過印尼.... 舅舅們每次來香港, 都著農婦快"回鄉探親"...


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day 2 - 做完野... 未天黑...去左新加坡靚靚好人host大力推薦的家嫂吃魚頭米線

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農婦初畢業時...當年仍然無知naive的我...爆想出差...但當年junior... 無你份...得個恨字...

當年...若你在大公司(或老公司...有實力公司)做.... 出trip...有pocket money... 正到不得了.... 去遠一點.... 仲坐business....

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其實…. 日本人成日同我地爭釣魚台列島已經係存在好耐的事 日本人成日陰陰濕濕同花旗佬合力打壓中國(其實農婦覺得笨牛仔竟然可以搵到日本人甘耐的笨, 好匪夷所思下)又係存在好耐的事亦都係農婦唔多喜歡的事…. 

但呢 喜歡日本文化電視主力睇新聞+足球+animax+日本無聊tvshow (好似空間大改造...極速大搜查)… 愛吃日本菜 (當地出產尤甚…)…. 愛日本四季的美……愛日本人甚麼事都小題大作…. 愛日本溫泉…. …愛在日本接觸到有禮友善(+送我禮物)的人….. 愛看日本卡通精品….愛逛日本家品+超市(人家好的超市, 是citysuper+sogo+jusco+market place....)愛在日本坐火車….甚至 仍相信made in jp 係品質保證

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今次住 lebua at state tower ...., 內有兩個大露台...

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承上文 - 在 calderazzo 還吃了以下甜品

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農姊做東 --- 請農家一家去曼谷 ----

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Last day - pondered for long whether we could go to Sukhothai to have Sunbrunch but we had to catch the 16:00 flight and the brunch only started at 12:00........ We could only have one hour there.... so decided to go there next time ... Must remember to leave on a Monday instead

Went to Watergate Street (水門街) to have the renown Hai Nan chicken rice.... good ... though 飯有d 生米, satay ... ma ma tei ... but the whole meal was only about 100 baht....

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Day 2 - continued to be in a very relax but adventurous mood

Breakfast - tried this exotic fruit (can't remember the name)

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Four-day trip to Bankgok

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- 上網環遊世界資料

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