Day 3 - tried this during breakfast - very sweet and I think they add this to some dessert....

Then we went to treasure hunt at Chatuchak weekend market ... only mangaged to browse through 3-4 sections and noticed that a lot of tourists (Europeans/ Japanese/ HKers...) were buying stalls/ fruits/ XX in miniature. Tried the 燒肉  at the market ... quite good boh ... and had to return to hotel after buying a washing basin...

Was so hungry on our way back that we had some grilled chicken wings (2) (yum yum) and chacoal fish - for 80 baht

Then we went to Primm for a 2.5 hour massage again and rush to Je Ngor (姐娥) for dinner. We had Tong Yum Gong,  curry crab, stir fry morning glory and organic salad with battered shrimp.  the morning glory was really impressive (chunky and fresh) but the other were just so so....they put eggs in the curry crab and the crab is not very meaty .... I would still say 沙利民 at Macao offers the best curry crab... - the meal was about 1700 baht??

Our 戰利品....

washing basin - 300 baht.

Christmas Light - total 100 - 150 baht for 4 packs 

Cushion - 100 baht plus wok chan and comb 100 baht

snacks - 1000 baht   yes, because of the very expensive dried blue berries (they did have tasting at the market and we ate some ... to lower the average price

towel - 200 baht , silk cushion 300-baht and thermal press 150 baht 

正版 VCD - 1986 - France vs Brasil 200 Baht 

minature closet/ cola -  to build a small 勝香園  - 600 Baht

鞋抽 - 100 Baht - Tips 2 - Suan Lam is always more expensive than Chatuchak - the same stuff was 90 baht even before any bargaining 

Last night at Conrad - say buy to 沖涼小象


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