其實…. 日本人成日同我地爭釣魚台列島已經係存在好耐的事日本人成日陰陰濕濕同花旗佬合力打壓中國(其實農婦覺得笨牛仔竟然可以搵到日本人甘耐的笨, 好匪夷所思下)又係存在好耐的事亦都係農婦唔多喜歡的事…. 

但呢喜歡日本文化電視主力睇新聞+足球+animax+日本無聊tvshow (好似空間大改造...極速大搜查)… 愛吃日本菜 (當地出產尤甚…)…. 愛日本四季的美……愛日本人甚麼事都小題大作…. 愛日本溫泉…. …愛在日本接觸到有禮友善(+送我禮物)的人….. 愛看日本卡通精品….愛逛日本家品+超市(人家好的超市, 是citysuper+sogo+jusco+market place....)愛在日本坐火車….甚至仍相信made in jp 係品質保證

最近…. 日本人好像對中國人不太友善…甚至叫我們做….多多少少影響近期再去的心情…. 加上日元高企…..但除了短途到東南亞走走甚至北上…. 近一兩年的長假怎辦?????

ok, 其實北上都可以係長假做....但硬係覺得老多dd先去

exotic的地方… e.g. 南美南極非洲都是農婦有想過但因為various reasons 而不大會去…. (其實南極就真係唔想打擾d動物...同汙染當地, 其他...都係因為吃...同特特長的flying time)

美國加拿大去了三數次也無甚興趣再去雖然也想到boston探老朋友和契仔s …..... 和去去rocky mountain

歐洲去過一次(只去了法德意..)…也有想過去provence尋吃到東歐看看還有去踏一踏自己讀master 的 university的草地…. 但十幾小時的機程…..三萬至五萬的air ticket  … 不能保證餐餐好食.....又好趕客下(ok, if emirates繼續有兩萬幾的A380 business class...New Zealand 飛 London的 c class ticket 又係兩萬幾... 都可以諗下...去一次甘多 )


還有australia… 有吃的tasmania… 機票尚算affordable (around or under $20,000)…這裡… if 農家的人能練好手車都是一個很好的option….

但算來算去長假除了這possible australia…去多Europe一次半次外...... 好像又是日本了…. 不計買(農家買的是collectibles...唔平(一件爛鬼膠...十幾萬yen)...吃的..比香港平...但魚沼米...你估無三四百..有無5k...仲要農家唔止買五k)… 15天的行程吃的好, 住的ok… 三四萬已很足夠


農婦已經不是背包人...刻苦團是一定no.... (要刻苦不如在家嘆世界).... 去了解風土人情? 咪玩啦...一...就搵幾個家庭home stay...或正正經經同當地人傾下 (我係美國時試過....wah!!! 真的...美國有叻人...又有鄉下到你唔信的人...)... 都同韓國呀...法國(定belgium?)人好好的溝通過.... ...

但去旅行...........見既... .... 係loh...就係tv+video(blue ray...dvd...)+書都可能多d....當然...去到可感受當地氣氛...吃當地美食(如有的話)...但... 到頭來....是一個離開日常的自己...做自己心目中自己的地方....

I am not trying to diminish the value of cultural exchange. But when we are really talking about such exchange, the dimension and depth would count. One has to live there, have talks with people (in a meaningful way)… and befriended with them (My Anthropologist friend said, one should marry a member of that community to be really in.) Otherwise, yes, we may gain far better insights by reading and watching some good quality documentaries than just visiting the place.

As rightly put by Elizabeth Gilbert (author of the bestseller, Eat Pray Love), [purpose of going to some places for a long period of time..] It is more that I wanted to thoroughly explore one aspect of myself set against the backdrop of each country in a place that has traditionally done that one thing very well. I wanted to explore the art of pleasure in Italy , the art of devotion in India , and in Indonesia , the art of balancing the two. And for me… yes, I want to explore the art of Japanese cullinary


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