Merchant of Venice - one of Shakespeare's best known comedies - is a story roughly with the following plot
15th Century, Antonio, a merchant, and Bassanio were good friends. Bassanio wanted to go to Belmonte to woo the pretty, witty and wealthy Portia, and sought help from Antonio. Antonio's ships were all at sea and did not have the money for Bassanio. Loving Bassanio and wanting Bassanio to be happy, Antonio approached the loan shark, Shylock, whom he had always dispised, for money.
Now, Antonio had also insulted Shylock previously and the loan shark wanted to take revenge. He offered to lend the money with no interest to Antonio, on the condition that should Antonio fail to return the money in time, he would have to repay Shylock by letting Shylock cut one pound of his flesh as Shylock pleased. Later, Antonio's ships were all reported lost and Shylock demanded repayment....
At the court, Shylock was about to cut Antonio's flesh as debt repayment. At this juncture, the barrister (actually, Bassanio's newly married wife, Portia in disguise) reminded Shylock that the bond only allowed him to remove the flesh, not blood, of Antonio. If Shylock were to shed any drop of Antonio's blood in doing so, his "lands and goods" will be forfeited under Venetian laws.
The end of the story - Antonio's ships were back, Bassanio discovered that it was his wife who saved his best friend ....
但這不是我小時(10歲前)看的"一磅肉" .....
"一磅肉"是一套黑白片, 中國人做的, 片中男主角一窮二白, 住的是已塌荒的"樓房", 為醫病向財主借錢, 借據條件也是若不能如期歸還, 便得割肉償債.
戲肉也是法庭那一幕, 好心律師指出只能切一磅肉, 不能有多, 也不能有血. 財主先出錢聘了屠夫下刀, 而切出來的肉真的一滴血也沒有....旁白這時解話, 謂窮人已被逼迫得連血也沒有了...
小六才第一次看了莎翁的原著版本, 但仍先入為主的覺得黑白片一磅肉更震撼