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離晒大譜...I mean, 靚到離晒大譜...個模型 (displayed at 集成)

農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(12) 人氣()

農公農婦一向都 prefer 中醫, 但急病or病到五顏六色時都只好死死地氣搵西醫....

近兩年發覺樓下私家醫生d藥好唔掂, 食o左成日都唔覺有乜用, d藥仲擺擺下會化紛 (o甘驚??)

農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

今天是3.8婦女節 - 一個來慶祝婦女在經濟、政治和社會等領域做出的重要貢獻和取得的巨大成就而設立的節日....

農公同農婦都覺得office "陰氣很重" (女人多也....), 尤奇是高職 (女人口齒伶俐)......可能香港要諗下 ... 低收入人士節, 老人節, 中年節.......

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死o甘唔得閒...但都病到五顏六色, 但仲要返工

....邊個話 "得閒死唔得閒病"??? 

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農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

別怪她, 別怪她, 別要傷心對吧. 從遇見的一剎....

吳唱 k 隻歌俾花師奶唱紅o左...睇戲時花師奶一唱大家就會心微笑...

農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Dearest 農姊

Know you must be having a wonderful time in Tokyo, pls do remember

農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Usually, I only update the value of my portfolio once a month... but out of curiosity (or rather, to give myself some excuse to get my mind off my task at office), I updated my portfolio just now and found that .... I lost almost a whole year's salary just in the last 17 days ....... What is really curious is that I do not feel any remorse (for not selling the stocks when they were at their highest)/ sadness/ frustration .... my reaction was just like the cartoon - o-oh....

In fact, except for my HSBC stocks, which I really suffered a loss (and some other newly acquired stocks in 2008)... I am still having positive return from my investment .... and given that this is my retirement fund, I am not really concerned about the downturn ....

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農婦2008年繼續為有真正選擇工作的自由努力 (即可不為錢打工啦), 但多少才算達標?

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同農公講: "三姐"在日本買左六條橡筋俾我地,

農公: ......

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我同農公最怕去飲,一係悶,二係D o野唔好食(唯一例外係某次去聘珍樓, 炸子雞同魚都靚到無訴可投....), 三係唔想應付同桌的無聊人.


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農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

自忖, 相對而言 .....應不算大花筒 ....

但看罷火兄所介紹的一輯新聞透視, 講到田家炳先生,

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Got this email earlier today.... Let's share the joy and happiness of Christmas with our friends in the 3rd world.


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農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()

I started investing for my early retirement in mid 2005, and the share prices of my investment are as shown above, i.e. most of the stocks, which were previously way below my beloved stock, HSBC, are now way above HSBC (if not for the stock price, at least for the growth rate). Yet, from my dividend worksheet, HSBC is still the main contributor of the annual dividend despite its low stock price and stagnant growth rate....

I've been thinking, some of us are just like HSBC, who are not a glowing stars in the work place anymore. Yet, they are just as productive or even more productive than the other stars in the work place. If you asked me, I would rather be HSBC than some stocks that never pay good dividend but are very popular.... but it seems that I am neither of the above but just some Warrant / 股仔

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