目前分類:生活雜碎 (125)

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農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(18) 人氣()

農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(8) 人氣()

去農姊家取日本桃, 見寵物衫衫有趣, 借來一用看小鼻屎喜歡乎??

小小鼻屎不太抗拒, 但好像有點不知所措...

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大笨象 send 左隻 e-貓來, 話益我旅遊保有discount....cheap 精農婦當然第一時間撲出...

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大家最近係咪睇波睇到好飽呢 ...

Whenever we watch Wimbleton, 農公 would ask .... "why most players (including Federer) have 胃腩 and even 肚腩..."

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Try this

1.  While sitting where you are at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

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Entertainment Weekly's 100 New Movie Classics

唔係阿化??? Why ET外星人, 千與千尋(spirited away)無份??  I have not seen all the movies but the list is really !!!!

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512後已經在想有乜好做... pray that  this is useful ... it may not be the opportune time for us to visit Sichuan now but we could always get ourselves prepared ... I think counselling would be needed for several years. (Of course, one cannot counsel others by merely listening to a 2-hour talk)

農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

最近為左o早日取得財務自由, 搬了去較細, "洗費"較少的小 hut ....


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blog 友不見了家貓.... if blog 友在深水埗出沒...幫忙留意一下 ....


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大家office 有否 行政人員...行政人員洗手間呢???

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深切的哀悼, 深深的祝福

農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

呢輪壓力頗大, 日日返工時都想返轉頭回家逗貓...在天台晒太陽....


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農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

dearest 農媽和所有媽媽:


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Does everybody have comfort food?? ... food that you'd like to eat when under stress, unhappy...Tell me about that if you'd like to

My comfort food: tasty spicy food, Mom's cooking, coca cola, 桃哈多營養條 (點解 junk food 有個o甘威o既名 ) and .........Hola Hoops.

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農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

本來今日寫去完湖舟的食評, 頭也開了 ...

"read many blogs about this and blogger"家家"又recommends .... 見不能食熱氣野, 就去食唔熱氣但好味野la ..."

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Read about this sometime ago and have been quite interested in it because of its compact size and under-1kg weight

tried to talk hubby into having this.... can take this to Japan and need not take relatively heavier (under 2 kg) laptop ma..... hubby reminded me that we already have two laptops at home >.

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