Does everybody have comfort food?? ... food that you'd like to eat when under stress, unhappy...Tell me about that if you'd like to

My comfort food: tasty spicy food, Mom's cooking, coca cola, 桃哈多營養條 (點解 junk food 有個o甘威o既名 ) and .........Hola Hoops.

I used to get Hola Hoops from Oliver's Delicatessen ... $7.XX for a small pack ... hahaha, Park'n Shop now has this Value Pack (7 small packs for just $18 - 24, depending on whether it is on sale).  Its really chunky and soothes your strained senses (though it might burnt your throat)

Discussed this blog with 農公 and found that he had no comfort food !!!... That's why .... 農公does not know how to cry, does not have comfort food, has difficulty in getting sleep when not at ease .... Hence, really difficult for him to handle stress.  If you are like 農公, pls get yourself a loving, reliable partner (like farmlady for 農公 ... wakakaka), and learn to cry, sleep and acquire some comfort food.  Take care 


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