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農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

I am not the boss and hence do not have any say as to where the office should be, but I always wonder:  why bosses decide to stay in Central - where the rental is highest.

農婦's new office is at 金鐘, a bit better than 中環, but still a place that is 寸草不生 (except if you want to patronise hotel restaurants every day (provided you have the money)). At 金鐘, we do not even have a decent place for good 奶茶 and the best tea is served by a bakery -- V8   - see the long queue during morning hours

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過節始終係過節 - 開開心心先得

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why is working life soooo tough???

some of the time, I think it is really hard to be a good colleague, a good boss, a good subordinate - what would you do when someone pushes task to you (or your team) that should be taken up by them in the first place?? what would you say when your colleague wants to take vacation leave to go on leisure trip when he/she knows the office would be extremely busy during those times...

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仲未睇過交響情人夢.... 點解呢

 ... 因為英超loh, weekend 電視機一定係一片綠油油...希望有dvd 啦

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Just found that I did not include my favourites in my last blog on "Office 的玩具"....

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Went to Mom's place to have dinner last Sat and bumped into 倪匡 and his wife - he was chit-chatting with a hawker selling the broom. I used to be a great fan of 倪匡 as his Sci-fictions were among the best - great titles include - 鬼子, 老貓, 紅月亮, 藍血人, 木炭, 尋夢....等等. - 倪匡 was very "human" and friendly when chit-chatting with the hawker and I think such qualities made him a great and adorable person

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從M處得來的TAG, 大家也來推薦吧

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office 是我不太想停留太久, 但又停留得最久的地方.


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My dreamt CV of my "near future"  - as at 37 years of age .... 

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假期後第一天 ot (八點後才算ot), 邊聽EASON (Get A Life, Concert)邊做FILE, 聽著聽著, 感動得想哭, 怎會有人這麼有HEART唱歌?? 他簡直是不停OFFERED ENCORE!!!

很想再現場聽EASON 唱歌呢

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  • Aug 03 Fri 2007 21:54
  • 胎教

just left this message to a blogger.... and thought, why not share this ...

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 Went shopping for discounted business attire yesterday - to prepare for my new job after Aug.

 Shopping for clothing is a very tiring activity for me and I always call business attire 囚衣 with a price tag. If I had the choice, I would wear t-shirt and trunk and sneakers all the time  

農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Is this a common wish? You would like others to be good to you, to love you, but not too much.... (of course, except for family members and lovers, which belong to another category)

By loving too much (or disproportionally),  I do not mean someone who calls you all the time, who check on you, who  "煩" you all the time, as these cannot be counted as "good". What I mean is really "good" (your feeling is what counts).

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常覺得自己是個長不大的孩子, 頂多12歲, 但online test 話我有27歲呢

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