Is this a common wish? You would like others to be good to you, to love you, but not too much.... (of course, except for family members and lovers, which belong to another category)
By loving too much (or disproportionally), I do not mean someone who calls you all the time, who check on you, who "煩" you all the time, as these cannot be counted as "good". What I mean is really "good" (your feeling is what counts).
I remember once my hubby's best friend gave me a Canon camera as a b-day present. OK, we were good friends and we talked about almost anything, but I did not think I deserved such kind of "expensive" present (though he knew I wanted it), not from a friend who was as "poor" as ourselves. This then became a burden as I felt as if I could never repay that. Buying something of similar value as present would not be an answer as that was not what I normally did (actually, I almost never bought present as I think I am a lousy present buyer), and I did not think this friend liked this kind of "回饋". I would just take them to dinner/ lunch or buy a nice cake (I know where to eat and where to get nice cake, but not present.....)
The real problem (for me) is not the burden of repaying but I would not want to lose such friendship (not because of the value of the gift but the depth of 好意"). I fear that they will not be this good to me anymore. And looking back, most of them did "disappear" or such behaviour did "extinct".
So, friends, pls do be good too me, but no need to be too good. Just be my friends for long and support me.