went to the HK Art Museum to see 國寶 during lunch, successfully gone thro the 國寶 twice,

 actually, the exhibition covers not only "Along the river during Qingming Festival", but also many other 國寶 such as 宋徽宗's 瘦金體, 顏真卿's 行書. wow

Pls do remember that you have to book a slot in advance (even if you have an annual pass, you should book a slot on the same day in advance). I recommend early afternoon for timing.

As for timing, you should see the queue to the along the river, as they only allow 20 pax to go near the picture every 5 minutes, you have to queue up anyway. I noted that the queue can be as short as only 50 pax (i.e. you need to wait around 15 min only.) at around XX:20 .

do remember to get the small gift afterwards, which is a "along the river" in miniature

also recommend all to buy this which covers all the exhibits for only $22


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