07.07.07 - only one year one month and one day to go before the 08 Beijing Olimipics and our team celebrated the day by feasting at boss' place. (actually, we went there at boss' invitation)
The table setting would have told you that this would be "fine dining".
we first have "四大碟" - the beef was really good. The jelly fish was very chunky
and we had crab soup - yummy yummy
手剁獅子頭 - boss bought 2 catties of pork and chop chop chop for TWO hours. 超感動
This 荷葉飯 is the best I've ever tasted. 飯軟硬適中, 不太濕, 有陣陣荷香, 又有不同層次的鮮味 Boss said that she followed 珠璣小館's recipe, but with some modifications, such as doing away with egg and roast duck and add real ham - the effect - 新鮮超好味
It's nice to have a good boss. Even better if she can cook. In fact, she is a very good host also,
P.S. This corner is my favourite in the house