溫馨提示: 喜歡看八卦雜誌的看後可能覺得農婦懶"咩"...故不看為上...
另, 先此聲明: 農婦係個超級八婆, 坐車...食飯...附近d唔識的人講緊乜, 睇緊邊本書都想知...所以一d唔抗拒貨真價實的八卦雜誌...問題係...家陣個d係批判雜誌
話說今日同農公去Seven...睇下U Magazine 有無好o野.... 見隔離"xx新地"雜誌話"朱茵嫁窮Paul" "殘車""住深山殘舊村屋"...(don't ask me for details, as I'd only read the cover ...)....典解要貶低人家的關係 (as if wealth status means everything!!) 典解要甘刻薄.... 我記得當年劉小慧就俾人話世利, 好"嫌棄"郭晉安.......嫁(or 娶)有錢人就一定係為左佢d錢 ...
If the majority of the world really think like this, we would have no more hope, love, true relationship in this world. How can you be-little relationship to such an extend, ---- that a man/ woman's worth is just in terms of money ....
I remember the days when I still read "忽周"..., they would usually compare the ex- with the current ... and would say
for boyfriend ....
re: age: it is better to be young than old
re: income and wealth : of course as high as possible
for outlook : tall is better, wearing fashionable clothings is better
sometimes, academic qualification would also be counted ...
for girlfriend ...
re: age: again ... younger the better
re figure : compare big bust (bigger the better) but at the same time, you are the better one if you are slimmer ....
話我八股都係甘話 ... 找伴侶, 一看心地(要善良), 二睇孝心 , 跟住睇夾唔夾, 能否互相欣賞and珍惜, 有無相同興趣and目標...
if you wear something that you've worn previously, you are cheap ... miser ... not that you are environment friendly
if you use too many good stuff ... you are 貪慕虛榮
if you use some economic goods or even go to $10 shop, you are 折墮, 淪落
真係欲加之罪, 何患無辭!!!
天呀!!! 農婦幾年前已睇唔落....但為左睇東尼個$100萬基金and 飲食男女, 死死地氣睇蘋果網上版...今年鐵定唔續訂...橫豎有好多勁finance 同 食 人寫blog ...
農婦"係o甘二"dun o下, sung o下 ....