Come across a great blog... and would like to recommend to all bloggers who love reading ...

and found this interesting meme


5 things found in your bag  

  • book that I'm reading (current 東京塔)
  • extracts from my "Introduction to Japanese" - text book (I've cut the book into pieces and am only carrying Chp 1
  • 2nd octopus - Mcmug (such that I don't need to go back to office in case I leave my wallet behand) 
  •  super light umbrella (yes, as a 婆仔, carry it even during bright sunny days)
  • DC (but sometimes without the SD card  )

5 favourite things in your room (my home la)

  • 鼻屎 - my cat
    hug it first thing I am back home
  • > 1000 books under our bed 
    the bed is not a normal bed but rather like a 地台, amazed to find its capacity and it is storing almost all my books, including all my snoopy, garfield, comics, lord of the rings, daddy long legs...
  • TV
    switch it on usually within 10 minutes we're back home, we may not even watch it but it is a good companion. Now that we are connected to Cable and Now, life is returning back to normal.
  • all our collectibles:
    snoopy, smurf, garfield, peko, Cultural Revolution Scuptures, Qing to post Qing porcelain, made in HK toys, Wardrope made during the Qing dynasty....
  • roof 
    looking forward to all the activities held there during holidays and hopefully, after work ... planting some vege, bbq, hotpot....  

  5 things you have always wanted to do

  • Open a small tea house with books for browsing  

    The small, cozy tea house should be easily accessable and with some greenery. I only serve tea as I can't brew nice coffee .... would prepare some light snacks to go with the tea (mainly for 鐵觀音 and 龍井). People should be able to come here and find some rest, look at my collectibles, talk to the nice tea lady , read some books, share with the tea lady his/her views about life, work, friendship, love....
  • Travel around Japan twice 
    This would need to be done after I retire .... would like to
    see cherry blossoms and autumn leaves during the two rounds
  • Be a long-term volunteer (at least for 2 years)
    Another thing that I could only do after I retire. Had tried to be a World Vision volunteer, only to find that they need volunteers during office hour. Tried to work for FoE and some NGOs (and did a bit of work) but then find that I might not be able to afford the time and energy (if I still prefer some play time, rest time and time for family). But still, I think being a volunteer would make me very happy and hence would like to have another try 
  • See more of the Mainland on train
    XinQiang, Mengu, Gwangxi... would like to travel around Mainland leisurely, esp now we have
  • Own a small organic farm
    eyes would open wide whenever I come across ads on farm for sale .... but why is it that a farmland with a little hut should cost >$2 million dollars?? How do you expect a farmer to survive?? The TV programme featuring Eason's visit to Tasmania had a story about a farm lady opening a restaurant ... how I wish to be in her shoes

5 things you are currently into

  • Reading and Writing Blogs
    That should be rather obvious .... I am seldom this diligent ... I may not write any responses but I visit all the blogs I've subscribed almost everyday!!
  • Eating 
    Also obvious from my figure ...
  •  Cartoon
    This has never been out in my world ... love all sorts of cartoons (mostly Japanese) ... would love to watch some new Conan, 小丸子, Emma,
    my recent recommendation : 秒速5厘米
  • Investment
    I'd like to hide this but I'm really into this lately, just for my retirement portfolio. I do not like stocks and the game is not my cup of tea... (I'd rather be playing Suduko) ... I now have 34 stocks in my portfolio.... far too many for my liking....
  • 3G Phone
    Yes, 3G world is new to me (do not even know how to have video calls ... and hence, would be playing with my new toy these few weeks... any friend know how to use this??? I must admit that I am still living in stone age.

X people you want to tag

all blog friends (Edoman, M, Nicole, Panda T, Wang Wang, FukPau Mum, Lark, Chandor, Cat, Martian, Summer, Annie, Venus, Ding Ding, Zonder, Peanuts, Bluesky,Mecca.......... (some I dunno how to translate)and all those who have visited this blog. Pls leave me a message after you've finished.

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