像我一樣60尾70頭出世的人, 講親半島酒店, 通常都會想起呢個廣告: 在半島lobby.... waiter 在送餐.... 有個細路超老積o甘講:"綠寶o丫, 唔該!!".....
I have never tried to order Green Spot at 半島, actually, have been there only a few times as the perceived high price is rather forbidding. Nonetheless, went there to have dinner with 老爺奶奶 to celebrate my "pay rise" ( btw, sis, in case you read this, you still owe me and hubby your "pay rise treat". Grand Hyatt is calling....
琥珀合桃 would be tabled before your order .(I think it is among the best in HK. Heard that Japanese tourists would buy some back to Japan. The walnut are chunky and not too sweet.)
this 燉湯 is my favourite. some 桂圓蟲草菌. no oil at all and very 甜

京都骨 (it is like 醬燒骨)
豉油皇銀雪魚 (hubby likes the 怪味銀雪魚 better, but I like this)

here comes my favourite: 花彫雞, must order rice and use the gravy to 掏飯 As for the chicken, it would depend 入不入味

餐飯平均一人三百多d, 唔平, 但物有所值