仲未睇過交響情人夢.... 點解呢 ... 因為英超loh, weekend 電視機一定係一片綠油油...希望有dvd 啦
s樂團第一次演奏 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE1ffzpYo30...很好呢, 很有意思的問題 - 要跟從正統嗎?? why?? 會快樂嗎??
跟大隊沒有什麼不好, 但是要是有選擇的"跟" (即不隨波逐流), 且可選擇另類做法才有意思. Of course this is easier said than done, being different is not conducive to easy survival. Asked my first boss (a great boss!!) why should we conform in the working world. He agreed that we should only conform when there were good reasons, but in the end, I think I've conformed to a very large extent (like dressing business attire to work, not always speaking what is on my mind.... to tell the truth, this makes working life 好鬼死悶
講開youtube, 大家有興趣睇下 --- 陳奕迅 - 一生中最愛http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjQgyoPwfck