第二次光顧 red tarvern ...

大廚是在座朋友f 的好友, 故此心機誠意一定足....

農婦的comment ...你當我唔識食..或批毛求疵啦

mango or.... (唔記得).... 都幾yum...但if 可放在water cracker 上或toast 或 自家製餅皮上更好... 在"疏打餅"上就...

salsa yumyum

青口有d好肥美 (雖然細細隻)...有d麻麻

花瓜-- 正常

有lemon sorbet洗口... 好細心boh...

蟹餅.... 我諗我唔多鍾意o甘樣食蟹...但同檯人讚不絕口

clam sonsumme .... may be I am a bit picky ... consumme should be a clear soup ... and should have a v refreshing and complex(or rich) taste (because of the herbs/ vegi/ meat...) ... the soup served that night was definitely not my cup of soup

黑豚 -- okok

羊 -- ng.... mamadei


牛 - okok


creme burlee was not good ... the berry 奶凍 was also ma ma dei... but the two cubes --- home made basil vanila ice-cream was v impressive .. refreshing ... best if the chef can add more vanila pod....

this is the highlight of the night .... 農婦 is not into coffee .... but the coffee served was the best I've ever had ... 香而不澀....好味到呢

the whole meal was about $600 pax (after discount and plus tips)...


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