Usually, I only update the value of my portfolio once a month... but out of curiosity (or rather, to give myself some excuse to get my mind off my task at office), I updated my portfolio just now and found that .... I lost almost a whole year's salary just in the last 17 days ....... What is really curious is that I do not feel any remorse (for not selling the stocks when they were at their highest)/ sadness/ frustration .... my reaction was just like the cartoon - o-oh....

In fact, except for my HSBC stocks, which I really suffered a loss (and some other newly acquired stocks in 2008)... I am still having positive return from my investment .... and given that this is my retirement fund, I am not really concerned about the downturn ....

As an fx-trading ex-colleague once told me his hard-learnt investment principle - only buy low sell high ... if you know the value of your stock ... only sell high .....  Cheer up!! stock investors !!!


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