Just want to write down two very fond memories involving Dad on fathers' day.
When I was still in kindergarten, there once was a big typhoon that came very swift and we had to cut class in the middle of the day. Mom and Dad were both at work (or so I thought), and though all my classmates had left, I was stuck in the kindergarten not knowing what to do. Then Dad came, I only remember that he gave me a pink raincoat and then carried me downstairs. We lived in CWB then and my kindergarten was also there but still we had to walk several blocks. It was dark and it seemd that the sky was falling though it was only mid-day. Water was up to knee high and father carried me and 涉水而行. I felt both scared and safe on his shoulder. This picture was still very vivid in my mind, and Dad was my rescuer (both from the wind and from the embarrassment) at the time.
The other time was in my teenage. I was a big snoopy fan and during those time, snoopy stuff was expensive. I remember Dad one day came home with a Snoopy Cardigan, which costed more than $100 from Wing On (when my father only earned around $3-4000 a month) for me. I still keep the Cardigan and though I now sometime grumble about my dad's 嘮叨 and his 殺風景 statements, like - I'd rather have cash - everytime we gave him a present, he did try to be a good Dad and for this, I am deeply thankful.