1. 若果唔理能力, 唔理人工, 最想做乜呢?
a. 唔駛做
b. 現時的工作 (大恭喜!!! )
c. 其他________
a+ c (有機農夫)
hubby: Soccer player
2. 若果可以有一件叮噹用具, 你會要乜?
3. 如果你可有IQ博士的 STOP WATCH 兩分鍾 (即你可暫停全世界, 只有你可動), 你會做乜?
未想到, 留返有需要時用得唔得?
will have reluctance but will still use that to see my hubby.
5. 如果你有白雪公主裡巫婆的魔鏡, 會想問什麼問題?
how to really end poverty/ war/ and environmental degration
6. 如果你可變做你看過的電視/電影/書裡的一個人, 你想做邊個?
IQ博士裡的小雲 - 最無憂的機械人... 姆明谷的史力奇or姆明都好boh
7. 如果一個月後會死掉, 會在這個月做什麼(期間仍是健健康康的)?
First, will not tell anyone except hubby - such that he could have a choice. Quit and go to see few best friends and be with family for 2 weeks, arrange for their financial needs after my dealth. Then, for the last 2 weeks, leave HK and go to places with hubby (if he wants to be with me), hopefully, die peacefully and happily.
8. 如果你可以揀任何一人做你男 or 女朋友一日, 你會想和誰過這一日?
Candidates: Mr Bean (the one in TV, not the actor), 在台上的黃子華, 韋小寶 or 劉華. 但最 終, 都係想同我以前曾單戀的那個人拍一日拖, 好讓我甘心 (後記: 有見老公會call 爆我機..... 都係咪制
9. 如過包你和一人一世無憂, 你會選擇和誰一起和過怎樣的生活.
同老公, 找一塊田, 一間屋仔, 屋前有果樹, 一年去一.兩次旅行, 平日種菜種花, 看書看雲看雨聊天
10. 最喜歡的歌, 點解 (not more than 3)
大傻(留意歌詞), 讚美之泉 & 愛是不保留 (因為主是我力量)
11. 最喜歡的書, 點解 (not more than 3)
活著, All Creatures Great and Small and Daddy Long Legs
- all very touching and I grew up with these books
12. 最喜歡的電影(包括卡通), 點解 (not more than 3)
Lord of the Rings, 千與千尋, 西遊記之仙履奇緣
無得傾 -- 一個字 - "勁"!!!!
13. 最喜歡的電視(包括卡通), 點解 (not more than 3)
小英的故事, 小浣熊, 他來自江湖
無得傾 -- 一個字 - "好"!!!!
Hubby: 他來自江湖
14. 最喜歡自己的.....
心地都算好 (雖然有時都幾黑)
15. 最想改掉自己的......
17.若可改變現在伴侶的一樣o野, 你會想改.....
唔駛改, 最緊要對我再好D, 再好D,再好D,
18. 最想收到的禮物?
today ?? 唔駛 do
leave office by 6:30 p.m. everyday; good and smart boss; challenging but managable work.
Hubby: half day work, no need to be challenging but with some work