Office has been like hell these few days/ weeks. The whole team worked till 10:00 p.m. on average and some even took home the work. To cheer everybody up, we've arranged a 遠期 K-party towards the end of the month (as we could only have time then).

I've vowed to sing 愛多八十年... and will definitely follow 白花油王子勁似6 or70年代的舞步.... (hm,

will have to buy a pair of "cha cha" before hand

Always wish I were 王子. 1st, he can do what he likes to (like singing); 2. he makes a contribution to the society; 3. Pak Fa Yeow is really a very good ointment and I consider it one of the best inventions (I think I have at least 10 bottles at home...), 4. Though some laugh at him, he is also liked by many and does not have a whole lot of enemies......

Pak Fa Yeow's web is kind of like 王子's personal web (you can even find his blog there !!!)

現凡攜帶於香港購買之和興白花油2007416日起之單據到和興白花油於灣仔寫字樓便可以 免費換領 福仔電話繩擦  福仔鎖匙扣 乙個


福仔不倒財神: $10

和興白花油愛多80T-shirt: $10

福仔環保袋 : (即將換領)



可能有機會索得顏福偉先生親筆簽名及合照(: 必須自備相機)

(Wow, must remember to bring a DC)

***福仔電話繩擦經已換清,多謝支持!*I haven't got it la......**


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