話說姐夫月前辭職唔撈, 學人賣日本精品, 但要去日本入貨, 仲兩公婆一齊去 (=cost x 2), 賣得又平 (佢地話薄利多銷, 我就話薄X多銷). 下星期又話要去日本入貨 (o下, mai一個月去一次??!!)

我同老公兩個"八"人一聽, 就話姐夫無可能賺到生活費..

農婦 :法文即係 n'est pas possible

農公: 屎 le巴blog蝕拔甩

農婦 :法文"ble"無聲, 得口形 "be le"(無聲), ... yi.......ha ha ha,
o甘法國人講電話時睇唔到 mai實聽唔明



Note 1 - We learnt French >10 years ago with no practice in the past 10 years. Hence, the french we said most probably was not french. pls excuse us .

Note 2 - We also claimed we said Spanish which our real Spanish friend had no clue what we were talking about (we aquired those "Spanish phrases" from a Mexican friend !!! - e.g. "ba-su-la" means throw it away, "under-lei" means "be quick". So the two of us are saying "French"  that no French understand and "Spanish" that no "Spanish" comprehend


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