To all mothers - HAPPY MOTHER's Day!!!!
Ai-ya, forgot to take shots of the dishes I made
--- clumsy me!!!
Ans to yesterday's IQ question. (actually, a blogger has solved it)
I think the answer should work for 4 to 6 light bulbs also (may not work if there are too many)
You enter room B first, switch on one of the switches. wait five minutes, turn it off, switch on another, and then rush to room A. Obviously, you can tell the bulb for the switch you have turned on just now. then you touch the "off" bulb. The warm one corresponds to the one you have just turned off. then the cold one is the one you've never touched.
I could not got the answer but a friend did it. She is one of the smartest ladies (and prettiest lady) I've ever met (Hi Lynn, in case you come across this Blog, just wanna tell you that you are missed).
For those who cannot come to the answer, do not get distressed. 99% of my friends could not get it. So, let's celebrate for being "normal" and "平常"
If still unhappy, try the Einstein's puzzle, should be able to get the answer - but you need to concentrate and be patient.