某天, 足球場上, 兩業餘隊對壘

年青人甲: 呀叔, 開左波嫁哪boh!!

呀叔乙: 知o丫!! (喘氣) 跑緊嫁啦! (繼續作跑步狀)....

如果你識笑, 應該>35歲了

P.S. Got a severe back pain after 1 hour of simple gardening work. wu wu wu , seems that I could never be a good farmer.

P.P.S. Hubby came to my office to pick me up this Mon. Was still working, hence, dumped all the tea pot and stuff and asked him to clean up while waiting . Hubby spotted that 我在偷笑 and asked why. I said I am sooo blessed with such a good hubby and an  阿四. Hubby said (wearing a big smile on his face ) " O甘我O米O係四哥!!"

We really need not be very smart or wealthy to have a happy family, what we need is the willingness to give and to receive....


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