可能真係近朱者赤, 最近學o左office 阿姐d好習慣, 盡量廢物利用.

唔止甘, 仲周圍執 or 收"垃圾.

酒箱是"富"同事給的, 用來作啥?未稔

今天在廢紙箱看見這個, 思前想後, 不能用作苗圃, 放棄了....

Life in HK is kind of taken for granted. The HK World Vision lately showed us the situation in Kenya where people (including very young kids) go to the dump site everyday and chase the gabbage truck for "newly delivered" trash, hoping to get some valuable "goods" for trade of a dollar or two and have to eat at the dump site. I guess the landfill in HK should have far more valuables. I think we should really exercise some discipline - (1) think twice before we throw things away and buy new stuff; (2) try to reuse and create other uses; and (3) try to make it an obligation on ourselves to share some of our money with the poor.

題外話: was depressed yesterday and went out to have lunch with 2 colleagues. As we did not make any booking, have to visit the more expensive restaurant along 雲咸街. We came to this "La Mer", which is supposed to be in the Lan Kwai Fong Hotel. DO NOT go there. Food is not good AND expensive. Force you to have mineral water, and a small bottle of evian costs $40 plus service charge!!! and I end up paying > $250 for a very lousy meal (to be fair, it is not yucky, but not good, not delicious and I can cook better than the "chef" and not French and not value for money loh)  You could go to Amigo (at Happy Valley) and food is good and they serve you free distilled water and a free glass of wine!!!!



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