My hubby and I, like most parents, consider our kids to be very lovely (橫看豎看都是好的).

Our cat, Beisy, though 笨笨, 但笨得好可愛


Our plants,  (yes, we consider them our "kids" too, as we will miss them when they are "out of sight" and feed them all the time- now)  are growing very nicely despite our previous neglect (no water and only sunlight and rain for > 5 months!!!)  and inexperience.

This 福建茶 is relatively new to the family. We bought it at the 2007 Flower Show. We took it to our roof top and abandoned it there for 3 days (thinking that the showers during those few days should provide the water it needed) AND found that it was dying - leaves were all charcoal brown with only 2 - 3 half green half brown leaves. On my friend's advice, we cut some of the branches, took it to shaded area and spray water almost everyday and see how it is growing now. 

見住棵植物能"起死回生", 那種快樂真的很難言喻..... I was thinking, parents should have the same feeling when their "忤逆仔女""改過自新", and I just wonder what will our   Lord   God  say when we 回轉/ 浪子回頭........


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