目前分類:中國(包澳門)遊遊蕩蕩 (60)
- Sep 25 Thu 2008 09:26
08年熱瓜澳門遊上 - 再見葡京robuchon
- Jun 12 Thu 2008 10:19
北京另類3日遊 - Day 3 - 附重要提示
last day 最無聊...影下間房先..
- Jun 12 Thu 2008 09:30
北京另類3日遊 - Day 2 - 下
...離開四環, 返cbd (三環)光華路的小王府吃晚飯
- Jun 12 Thu 2008 09:26
北京另類3日遊 - Day 2 - 上
今天高師傅來接... 七人buick ...巧鬆動呢....
去了潘家園 (註: 潘家園(尤其地攤)的古物多為假貨(or 工藝品)...但有畫可買, 有舊木頭, 和有趣小玩意, 很值得一遊......但農婦今天的目標是文革舊物(戰利品見http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iwishiam-farmer/article?mid=5112)
- Jun 11 Wed 2008 09:26
北京另類3日遊 - Day 1
- Feb 28 Thu 2008 00:09
碧桂園 鳳凰城--- 五星級的家乎??
上周末農家一家入碧桂園玩... (間屋農姊不知什麼時候book 的, 農婦最近忙到想死...但難得一家人, 也只好捨命"陪"君子, 順便睇樓了....)
周五晚到了皇崗, 好不容易等到包車司機, 他竟說往新塘的高速公路封路, 並聲稱不認得其他路前往碧桂園...., 但也硬著頭皮開車, 在暗黑的路上騁馳, 途中多次停下問路人甲, 的士司機乙, 綿羊仔司機丙路...(問你驚唔驚?)...車行了三小時, 卒之到達
- Nov 13 Tue 2007 10:50
北京大學 - 一塌糊塗???
- Nov 11 Sun 2007 22:50
北京 - 衣.買.住.行.
- Nov 10 Sat 2007 14:40
初初去北京, d friend 都話羨慕我有咁多假, annual leave 加3 個黃金周, 但事實係, 少了很多公眾假期
- Nov 09 Fri 2007 12:50
北京頤和園 - 賞花好地方
- Nov 07 Wed 2007 20:42
校園民歌 - 玻璃杯
- Oct 01 Mon 2007 09:53
澳門遊 - 改邪歸正篇 - 威尼斯人度假村,煙花之旅
At the Shun Tak Ferry Terminal, 農婦and 農公 had the following conversation:
農婦: We should 改邪歸正 this time....
- Jul 04 Wed 2007 15:21
澳門?? 又澳門??
we've only been to Macao around two months ago. but having no better place to go during 7.1 and wanting to leave HK, and wanting to buy some antique at ZhuHai.... went to Macao again last weekend. The focus was still .... food
Went to a new portugese restaurant in 仔. Food not good at all
- Apr 30 Mon 2007 12:26
- Apr 12 Thu 2007 17:52
台北三日遊 - Day 3
- Apr 11 Wed 2007 13:54
台北三日遊 - Day 2
- Apr 10 Tue 2007 10:00
台北三日遊 - Day 1
Went to Taipei for a three-day trip during the Easter holiday. (this is my sixth visit to Taiwan/ Taipei) Hubby grumbled all the time, said it's boring and expensive. In fact, though I still enjoyed wandering in the bookshops, there was not much else for us to see in Taipei, and this would probably be our last visit to Taipei in the near future.
Here is how the story goes ...
- Mar 24 Sat 2007 18:56
北上深圳去踏骨, 搞到....