Went to Taipei for a three-day trip during the Easter holiday. (this is my sixth visit to Taiwan/ Taipei)  Hubby grumbled all the time, said it's boring and expensive. In fact, though I still enjoyed wandering in the bookshops, there was not much else for us to see in Taipei, and this would probably be our last visit to Taipei in the near future.

Here is how the story goes ...

Day 1 -

arrived at Taipei airport at around 10:XX a.m. - a Hello Kitty plane was just next to our aircraft - lucky


Tip 1 - Many of the Hongkongers exchanged 台幣 before going through immigration and there was a long queue. Actually, there were more money exchange kiosks outside the control area - I went through immigration first and viola - could go straight to have my money exchanged without queuing.

Tip 2 - But if you have some 台幣 with you and if you have some time and the day of your arrival is NOT a public holiday in Taiwan, you can go to downtown and go to 合作金庫. - I found the best rate there.

Taipai Airport at 10:30 a.m. on 5 Apr - 無人!!!

Went to 肥前屋 near 台北車站 to have eel on rice - (Tip 3 - do order the large one as the eel is better)

It was acutally quite good (better than many served in Hong Kong) - but 1st grumble from hubby - "not as good as that in Nikko ma"

grilling eel (but over electric stove)

Then went to Hands Tailung (Tokyo Hands) at 微風廣場. The good thing about Hands Tailung was that some of the goods were with Chinese Instructions (but not all), but the store was very small and one could not expect the same variety of stuff here (as you could expect from any Tokyo Hands in Japan)

Then we went to Taipei 101 at 市政府站.

Tip 4 :  Do try to find this stand for the shuttle bus to Taipei 101 - you'll easily miss it (but anyway, it's only 8 min walk)

Along the way from subway station to Taipei 101, we came across this - 似似地台場

Then, we hit New York New York - nothing like 台場 this time and we were speechless ....

This was Taipei 101 - Must said that I prefered IFC, CN Tower ... to this .... and there was nothing to see inside the mall

Then, we went to 信義誠品. Poor hubby had to find a resting place and slept as he could not read. He slept (hubby's stress - "SLEPT ON THE FLOOR") for two hours while I went book hunting.

Then we went to 青葉,  met many hongkongers there (and Japanese too).  The place was packed and the aisle between tables were narrow

but the food was good



today's buy

black sugar - claimed to be from Okinawa

CD and DVD were from 光南批發 behind 台北車站前新光三越

today's best buy from Hands Tailung - massager .

... to be continued


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