- May 20 Sun 2007 18:42
2007夏之日本忘憂之旅 - 企劃篇
- May 19 Sat 2007 16:09
勝香園 - a stall without strangers
- May 17 Thu 2007 18:01
My work-at-home-during-small-hours aside, today will be the second time I have to 通頂in 2007. I ve never been so diligent in my life, If you are still at school and are thinking of a career - never think of office work, especially when you do not have the flare or interest - do something you like (at least, the hard time would be worth it)
some of the choices (with potential of leading a good life, I think, ) include
- May 16 Wed 2007 18:07
Office has been like hell these few days/ weeks. The whole team worked till 10:00 p.m. on average and some even took home the work. To cheer everybody up, we've arranged a 遠期 K-party towards the end of the month (as we could only have time then).
I've vowed to sing 愛多八十年... and will definitely follow 白花油王子勁似6 or70年代的舞步.... (hm,
- May 15 Tue 2007 17:06
- May 13 Sun 2007 22:42
Happy Mother's Day
To all mothers - HAPPY MOTHER's Day!!!!
Ai-ya, forgot to take shots
- May 12 Sat 2007 10:58
IQ 題 - 傳說是Microsoft (or Boeing) recruitment 用的
There are three light bulbs in room A and three switches (for each of the bulb) in room B. You cannot see room A from room B (vice versa). You are allowed to visit both room A and room B once and you'll need to tell which switch corresponds to which light bulb. How to do it??
- May 11 Fri 2007 09:26
未寫答案前想講下那時我們是如何估答案, 我們不停問: was the boy an idiot? did he slip...出題人只會答"係", "唔係", n "無關係". 有了"正解", 再講下見解. 例如第一條"信天翁", 當時的問題是有關兩個好朋友而非情侶, 而生還者是盲的 (解釋點解佢肯食). 於是我們會講友情何價, 是否更應生存下去, ........ 雖然問題好多犯駁, 但都好thought provoking.
好似另一條講個人在高處跳樓, 途中聽到電話聲就後悔.................... 原因係之前佢以為全世界淨返佢一個, 我們就討論人的需要......
- May 09 Wed 2007 17:50
白川鄉 - 我來也
ha ha ha