感謝奶奶, 38年前生下了您!!

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Can't agree more that we need to rethink how to spend the few "XX" days.  I remember witnessing some "sons" who 起掙飛報紙霸位 on that day, What for??

 But if you visit the Cantonese restaurants during a "normal" Sat or Sun, you'll see many old papas/ mamas waiting there alone, 霸位 for their kids or grandkids. No matter what you do on Mother's Day, the work done won't count much if you don't really care for them and care about them on the other 364 days. In fact,
I consider asking 老人家 to 同人逼 on that day a crime. Can't we take them to nicer place or cook them a meal on that day. Isn't it more meaningful for you to give them a call every now and then such that they know they are missed and care about? (I am trying very hard to do this for my mom, who always calls me before I call. I recognise that Mom is very happy everytime I call .....

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農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

某天, 足球場上, 兩業餘隊對壘

年青人甲: 呀叔, 開左波嫁哪boh!!

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其實次次來澳門都是差不多的 route, 差不多的餐廳, 差不多的 menu, 同老公講: 下次來澳門無blog 寫 lu.

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Actually I had been down all week because of a very nasty co-worker (codenamed: dgc), who is sacarstic, mean and stupid.  Yet, good food is always good soother

To all (Secretary or not) who work so hard .... Happy Working Day!!!

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農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Went along the Central - Mid level elevator today to have lunch at Soho and saw a skinny old lady trying to pick a used can from the trash bin. 好心痛 do not know what we can do to help such old people who have to rely on selling metal/ paper to support themselves.  Then, passed the MTR 2-dollar discount stand and heard a guy chatting with his friends, saying something like "you only got $2 discount, forget it!!! Why bother? It's only $2".

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