
worked over 87 hours this week,  if not for the long vacation that we gonna take in july, would have collapsed already. 

本來今年打算去大阪甲子園, 看日本全國高校棒球賽, 但怕 8月放唔到假,
唯有改變計劃, but 去日本, 邊都開心啦

Day 1 - Hong Kong -> Tokyo (direct flight full (cheapy us use our mileage for tickets) , hence, have to transfer at Taipei) - 宿: 大塚 Toyoko Inn (most probably 食都係 at 大塚 - 壽司常

Day 2 - Tokyo - Studio Ghibli, 吉祥寺(eel and 炸牛肉球 for lunch), 小岩 and Nakano 宿: 大塚 Toyoko Inn

Day 3 - Shinjuku (to buy lunch) - Shinkansen the whole afternoon and night - to play Suduko, chess, read and to have lots of fruits (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

 ) on board宿: Hakodate Toyoko Inn

Day 4 - 函館朝市, 早餐 - 三色飯 加墨魚 sashimi - travel to sapporo (stop at a small town to hang around in the afternoon)  - shopping at sapporo plus dinner at Crab Shogun or 小樽  宿: Sapporo Eki Toyoko Inn

Day 5 - Train Norroko to 富良野

(bright sunny day please please please (may drive)) - 富田農場 and if drive 上 or 下富良野 宿: 旭川 Toyoko Inn

Day 6 -美瑛 
bright sunny day please please please (if rain probability )) return to Sapporo in evening 小樽 shopping plus dinner- 宿: Sapporo Eki Toyoko Inn

Day 7 -  Sapporo - travel to第一滝本館宿:第一滝本館

Day 8 - 登別 to 宇都宮 (if can arrive early, Nikko Eel rice for dinner) 宿: Utsunomiya  Toyoko Inn

Day 9 - If cannot arrive early, Nikko Eel  rice for lunch and drive to 東照宮  - 宿: 大塚 Toyoko Inn

Day 10 - Bus to 平湯溫泉 -宿:  榮太郎 


Day 11 - 白川鄉 
好天氣!!!!宿:  民宿

Day 12 - if weather is fine - 上高地 or a scenic place nearby,  宿:  金澤 Toyoko Inn

Day 13 - 金澤 - 宿:  金澤 to Tokyo Coach.


Days 14 - Tokyo (may need to go to 大江戶溫泉 to take a bath first
 (very smelly after one day without a shower) 宿: 大塚 Toyoko Inn

Day 15-16 Tokyo

Day 17 - Tokyo -> HK

 Actually, the first half of the trip is almost a repeat of our last year's trip. Hubby and I will be visiting Hokkaido for a fourth time (third time if we count summer only) . Hopefully, we can visit it during spring or autumn next time.

Wow, am now in a far better mood la,

 去旅行, 真的是未出發,先興奮!!! 




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