I was born in the Mainland, but have been in HK since I was two (my 1st memory is the first sight of HK when my mom set her feet in HK in early 1970s). HK is where I call home and I love HK dearly.
Still, I can't understand why so many link the Queen's Pier with collective memory. Hence, went to Queen's Pier today. (actually, had lunch (some bread from City Super) with hubby today outside Queen's pier - the bread was EXPENSIVE - $4X for three!!).. though remembered boarding a yacht here, nothing comes to mind....
(1) tram with trailer (the single deck that follows the double deck). Even when there was such a trailer (in 70s and early 80s, should be 82), such trailer was a rare thing then. I remember rushing to the trailer everytime I saw it and the seats were so different from the double-deck cart. ( I also missed the tram ticket and had paid $40 for a 20 cents child ticket...
, "潛野" (kind of a gambling game, you took a small sheet from a big sheet [I got one at home, at some high cost, of course] and you might get a big candy, nothing, a bottle of cola... , got fish ball, bought supplies (such as glue..) . The best thing for stalls was that you could borrow their phone and called mom, saying that you would be late ....
People in those times seemed more helpful, tolerate (now, you see people complaining waiter, shopkeepers, bus driver everyday....) and they knew what was meant by 節儉. They also tresured what they had and things (and relationship) were more lasting....
to be continued