目前分類:pre-09日本(東京,北陸, 關西, (51)
- Jul 22 Sun 2007 22:06
2007夏之日本忘憂之旅 - Day 3 - tokyo to hakodate
- Jul 21 Sat 2007 23:45
2007夏之日本忘憂之旅 - Day 2 - tokyo
- Jul 20 Fri 2007 22:32
2007夏之日本忘憂之旅 - Day 1
This is the second time we took business class in CX (of course by redeeming our mileage), and we were not familiar with the 2 CX lounges. We chose the one near Gate #2, and it turned out that it was considerably smaller than the one near Gate # 60.
As cheapy couple, we took a "heavy" breakfast...
- Jul 17 Tue 2007 10:36
2007夏之日本忘憂之旅 - 企劃篇 - II
- May 20 Sun 2007 18:42
2007夏之日本忘憂之旅 - 企劃篇
- May 09 Wed 2007 17:50
白川鄉 - 我來也
ha ha ha
- Mar 02 Fri 2007 19:46
北海道yummy - 小樽
- Feb 28 Wed 2007 21:33
上回話說在日本唔識日文,就差不多唔駛想在lawson 買到入場卷入三鷹之森美術館(在日本必須先在lawson 訂飛, 並在指定日期n時間才可入場, 在香港呢, 就出發前在日航天地買飛, 在選定日期成日不論時段都可入場, but of course a bit more expensive la). 上次在日本想訂飛, 用 trial and error 的方法試o左 n 次都不得要領, 於是搵左間超無人的 lawson, 請好好人的收銀姊姊攪o左好耐,終於有飛..(下次都係俾錢人賺la)
- Feb 28 Wed 2007 15:44
次次去東京都想去三鷹, 去Ghilbli Studio hea 下, 同日本豆丁爭入貓巴士, 再細味一下卡通片製作的奇妙, 但若出發前忘記去日航天地買飛, 在日本唔識字就無乜可能在lawson 買到 :(
三鷹之森館內不准拍照, 只可上天台同守護 laputa 的機械人chik-chak, 但最最勁仍是館內的裝置, 這個明天再講.......