目前分類:金中上環飲飲食食 (79)

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have a mini lunch reunion with high-school friends (actually all working in the vicinity)....

Some have to rush back to work ... hence, can't go to Wanchai ....

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Visited the HK Robuchon last Saturday with 老死T, both of us caught a cold...

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同office大忙人吃飯 ... 不可離開 pacific place...又試新

這個算是近期最差的 negi toro don

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某日下午, 同隔離team一齊請領導們食飯 .... 多謝她/他們連日來對我們的教導...包容....去左conrad 的 Nicholini's


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病完口淡淡...想食D死甘肥的 ....就諗起KFC個廣告.... yes, 廣告對我係巧有效的


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真係越窮越見鬼 ...明明可以跟老闆去見客慳返餐lunch錢 ...作病

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第二次光顧 red tarvern ...

大廚是在座朋友f 的好友, 故此心機誠意一定足....

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上回提到農婦學人升職....o甘...就梗係要慰勞o下d手足.... 手足同農婦taste 不大相同...又怕悶親d年青人....於是決定近近去食自助餐...貪大家有得行來行去...

好先食appetiser .... d 生蠔, 蟹同蝦 and 魚生 個樣都唔係好得.... 農婦唔敢食  (同事 T 話好麻麻)....

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大感激潮州朋友P, A, E 介紹, 農公農婦去年才第一次食薄殼 ... 好味呀 ....

於是今年一到有薄殼季節就走去尚興食餐飽 ....

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o甘熱, 未食得豬骨煲, 去食lunch 都好 alright

粟米斑塊 - 高水準碟頭 - 有魚味...鮮炸

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勝香園唔駛多介紹, 但最近有新猷 ....

099_.gif 099 image by onionethan

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This is the first time I patronise the cake shop after its renovation .... wah ... 大加價, a 1.5lb cake used to be $2XX, now it is $300 .... (I still remember that just a few years ago, the same cake only costed me $180 if I faxed the order and paid by credit card in advance ... )

worst still, there is a defect in the carrying bag !!!....

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Went to try this restaurant earlier this week ... quite OK boh

Some ham salad (Beauty B ordered the tuna tomato salad ... (too far away, couldn't take photo) they are not using canned tuna boh .... must try next time ...)

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Trillion thanks to friend LY to keep the membership such that we can patronise this restaurant once in a while ....

as hubby always said, 蘇浙有質素保證

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have vowed to manage my body fat and weight more than 1 week .... Did nothing ... except digesting more and more food  

006_.gif 006 image by onionethan
, but hubby said he didn't mind me being fat (chubby!!) ma
013_a.gif 013_a image by onionethan

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Being a poor girl when young and a miser now, I have never been and would never be a member of any of such prestigous clubs. But luckily (thanks to all my dear friends - friend P, friend C, friend L and many others), I have many generous friends and have been taken to LRC,  Jockey Club (天光道 - as the others are just so so), yacht Club, helena may, China Club, Dynasty Club ....etc. 

Must say that apart from the many restrictions, high admission (be it debentures or what not) and annual fees, most of these clubs provide good food and cozy ambiance ...

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又話什麼好難book, 什麼飯堂


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