某日下午, 同隔離team一齊請領導們食飯 .... 多謝她/他們連日來對我們的教導...包容....去左conrad 的 Nicholini's


crackers and herbal bread are good

mushroom soup is also superb ... but I do not need that much of cream...

seabass was very good ... fresh ... but still, regret that I did not order the home-made pasta ... 農公...下次同你去 ...但無85折card boh .. (king kong bank 張野淨夜晚駛得 ...午餐失靈)

the tart was not v good and the chocolate ice-cream was just normal... may skip dessert next time if the same things turn up on the menu...

even with the 15% discount ... it's almost $500 pax.... with a v v gloomy economic outlook ..... I can only patronise such place once in a v v long while la ... 


大家咪睇下面件o野皺 mi 蜢蜢 ... 係農婦的所謂返工衫 ...但農婦見都唔係成日見領導...就間中搏懵著全棉--疑似睡衣的衫褲返工....

同領導們食飯o個朝..同事先提我 ...我和xx有個約會..唔係呀化...今日係搏懵日 ..... 喊晒o甘call 農公 ...死啦死啦 ....

農公見佢office 有空檔............就落樓"食枝長煙"....(極速由quarry bay 返坑口 ...再去金鐘送下面件o野皺 mi 蜢蜢俾老婆變身 ...



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