最近病淹淹的 ... 又唔炸得. 唔熱氣得...

好, 病唔代表無好野食... 去食粥

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見小叮兒減得o甘落力, 我都想....


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If you note how these plants looked like when they first came to my office (see http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!MPGX.2GCEQPQUDeL9Lo_zw--/article?mid=2994), you'll note that my plants are really living and growing .

I did nothing .... excepting watering (occasionally) ... and in just three and a half months...

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本來今日寫去完湖舟的食評, 頭也開了 ...

"read many blogs about this and blogger"家家"又recommends .... 見不能食熱氣野, 就去食唔熱氣但好味野la ..."

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徐蒝由元朗煮到灣仔, 在船街古蹟開了鴛鴦飯店...


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Read about this sometime ago and have been quite interested in it because of its compact size and under-1kg weight

tried to talk hubby into having this.... can take this to Japan and need not take relatively heavier (under 2 kg) laptop ma..... hubby reminded me that we already have two laptops at home >.<    and last Sat, our Toshiba died prematurely.... and hehehe....

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農公媽生日第二場 ... 農公媽點名要去龍皇....


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Being a poor girl when young and a miser now, I have never been and would never be a member of any of such prestigous clubs. But luckily (thanks to all my dear friends - friend P, friend C, friend L and many others), I have many generous friends and have been taken to LRC,  Jockey Club (天光道 - as the others are just so so), yacht Club, helena may, China Club, Dynasty Club ....etc. 

Must say that apart from the many restrictions, high admission (be it debentures or what not) and annual fees, most of these clubs provide good food and cozy ambiance ...

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十年 ..... Last Sunday was our tenth anniversary .....

最近, 除了農公整日在唱"蔡窿華"的歌 "十年" (歌詞: 十年....茫茫然渡過.....), 好似都無乜準備慶祝....we did think of throwing a party (actually, a banquet at 大榮華), but were too lazy to follow through.... hence, we celebrated the most uneventful 10th anniversary...

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Day 2 lunch - 山度士O Santo's at Taipa

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