If you note how these plants looked like when they first came to my office (see http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!MPGX.2GCEQPQUDeL9Lo_zw--/article?mid=2994), you'll note that my plants are really living and growing .
I did nothing .... excepting watering (occasionally) ... and in just three and a half months...
OK, some wilt ... but what else can you expect ... living in such small pots.
I sometimes think that with dogs, your return would be > than your input ... they would be sooo responsive, endearing that every bit of work would be worth the while
For cats .... its a bit tricky ... you would be thrilled if they leap on your lap or show any real recognition of you ... but as such responses are not taken for granted, a very small gesture would be enough ... for most owners ...
for human ... you can never tell ... that's why, we have soo many sayings about xx 莫望報
as for plants .... I think plants are not as "rewarding" as dogs, far better than cat, and some factors relating to pest / fungi / weather .... aside, should provide you with reward proportional to your effort.
side story: When visiting me today, hubby said I could have seaview from a corner of my office .... (海罅)... have to squeeze my face to that corner

but I would prefer this greenery to that 海罅