

農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

點解係膳稿 ?? 因為是friend開的, 但說實在, 又確實是幾好味 ---

農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(14) 人氣()

話說新假期整左本>, 雖然個list 好似唔係齊, 但都有參考價值.

農婦住的坑口區, 得兩間食肆入圍, 一間係三姐 (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iwishiam-farmer/article?mid=1628

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農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

有新o野, p話想試, 梗要捨命陪美人啦...... 

salad 汁幾好

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Trillion thanks to friend LY to keep the membership such that we can patronise this restaurant once in a while ....

as hubby always said, 蘇浙有質素保證

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好, 開始定行程 (其實係要開始 book 酒店)


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have vowed to manage my body fat and weight more than 1 week .... Did nothing ... except digesting more and more food  

006_.gif 006 image by onionethan
, but hubby said he didn't mind me being fat (chubby!!) ma
013_a.gif 013_a image by onionethan

農婦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

Just noted that my blog has been mainly devoted to food ... no wonder ... no wonder I am sooo fat, no wonder I cannot really be a farmer ....

I had meant to build this blog to share the happiness of collecting things, watching cartoons and reading books ... but never really follow-thru my plan ... no wonder 我一事無成

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had lunch with friends (one ex-colleague and one current)

current needed to pick daughter up at North Point after lunch ... hence try this, which was recommended by Mecca ... (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/mocca-latte/article?mid=11479 )really a good recommendation (Great Thanks)

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