琴晚同老公食完緻好茶館, 行落公利飲竹蔗汁 (真的是揀手靚蔗), 又見到個張細時成日見在豆腐舖貼的宣傳畫....

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前幾日無無聊聊同老公趁lunch hour 行摩囉街, 買左本文革時期的連環畫, 1976年印, 真的是尾水到乜的超後文革時期...

d畫工都幾好, 內容呢 - of course 超級 propaganda.

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Went to Jordan 茂林街的太平館 for lunch this Sun -

There are four 太平館s, 茂林街's one is in Jordan, there are also one in TST, one in CWB and one in Ctr. Hubby and I like the one at 茂林 best though we also patronise the ones at TST and CWB. For some unknown reasons, the one at Ctr is not as good as the others (or so we think). Actually, the chicken wings served at TST are also smaller than the one you'll get from Jordan, but the taste is OK.

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另一個記得的電視series 是北斗星.... 劉松仁是那個社工

其中一個故事 - 好似叫天生我材

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Went to Mom's place to have dinner last Sat and bumped into 倪匡 and his wife - he was chit-chatting with a hawker selling the broom. I used to be a great fan of 倪匡 as his Sci-fictions were among the best - great titles include - 鬼子, 老貓, 紅月亮, 藍血人, 木炭, 尋夢....等等. - 倪匡 was very "human" and friendly when chit-chatting with the hawker and I think such qualities made him a great and adorable person

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, 再被騙跟佢返公司(講好1小時後開完會食早餐), 等左3粒鐘(喂!!我都要返公司做  o野嫁boh!!!!)

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從榮記在皇室堡後巷擺檔已成日幫親佢, 榮記搬到糖街後繼續幫親, 作晚悶悶地約人唱k, 自然又去啦

蘿蔔勁甜, 豬皮, 冬菇and ,雞翼尖 都yum.!!!

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- 上網環遊世界資料

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從M處得來的TAG, 大家也來推薦吧

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