Just noted that my blog has been mainly devoted to food ... no wonder ... no wonder I am sooo fat, no wonder I cannot really be a farmer ....

I had meant to build this blog to share the happiness of collecting things, watching cartoons and reading books ... but never really follow-thru my plan ... no wonder 我一事無成

anyway ... thanks be to mecca again http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/mocca-latte/article?mid=11505

went to this shop last Mon ....

這店蘇絲黃勁彈 ... 但農婦覺得幾好boh ...

garlic toast - a bit overdone

ceasar salad - normal

roast steak ... good boh ... juicy

angel hair - really good ... the sauce is very refreshing, tomato and capers just brought a unique bit sour-salty-sweet taste that hints spring....good!!


... I have to reveal .... did not take picture as I vowed never to have foie fras again (due to prevention of cruelty to animals http://www.nofoiegras.org/) ... but could not resist the temptation .... and ordered a side dish ... wow 煎得恰到好處

.... but even with all these plus peppermint tea , the meal only costed us $22X... 抵到爛


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