blog 友不見了家貓.... if blog 友在深水埗出沒...幫忙留意一下 ....

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大家office 有否 行政人員...行政人員洗手間呢???

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service 好, 食物好 ... 乜解 lunch 無乜人???落雨吊腳貴乎??

便當 - $180 - 所有o野都無欺場 - 燒牛肉 同 玉子(甜and香)特別得

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見o甘多 blog 讚, 農婦又去趁下熱鬧....

南瓜salad .... 有趣, 有d好香好有南瓜味, 有d就苦苦o地, 仲有南瓜皮...有趣有趣

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勝香園唔駛多介紹, 但最近有新猷 ....

099_.gif 099 image by onionethan

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Special thanks to 家家 and Deli Prince (Pls check out my 訂閱) ... this is really a 好介紹

Given that this is the first time we patronise the shop, we have combos

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This is the first time I patronise the cake shop after its renovation .... wah ... 大加價, a 1.5lb cake used to be $2XX, now it is $300 .... (I still remember that just a few years ago, the same cake only costed me $180 if I faxed the order and paid by credit card in advance ... )

worst still, there is a defect in the carrying bag !!!....

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星期六, 要6:30p.m.上堂, 和弟兄姊妹食個超級early dinner

好威的"bun rien" (or 類似音) .....酸酸甜甜又特別...yum boh

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It is rather obvious that farm lady is not as enthusiatic as she used to be about her farm and only visited it one month after planting the seeds ..... but still, 九層塔, 貢菜和櫻桃蘿蔔茁壯成長呢

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深切的哀悼, 深深的祝福

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