Try this
1. While sitting where you are at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
Try this
1. While sitting where you are at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
Entertainment Weekly's 100 New Movie Classics
唔係阿化??? Why ET外星人, 千與千尋(spirited away)無份?? I have not seen all the movies but the list is really !!!!
去九龍灣 Ikea shop 花盆
($39一個大的... 但個底盤要$49.... 傻既...買全場至cheap 鋅鐵盆$19)此blog乃家長指引類別。。。另在床上吃飯這等行為需經專人訓練
講個無聊gag 先...今朝同農公搭港鐵去上環 (為了去勝香園食其最後早餐.... 皆因農公Mon 開始返quarry bay lu ... clara 姐, 蓮姐, 笑姐, 細佬, ceo... 來日星期六見啦) .... 農公一落車就話 .... "..... 上環..... 係上野就好了".....
話明以後去中上環尖咀無o甘方便, 農家兩老近日就四出中上環尖咀食好野 (不是貴... 是"好").... 臨別一擊 ... 去下人氣店先