今天早上去了和商市场对面的朝市内吃一度失传的鱼酱汤面,小店很亲切,有免费咖啡和茶水,农公"俗"亲,店主立刻问他是否病了,要不要药(so sweet). 鱼酱汤面汤底有"light"和 "heavy"选择,试了以后认为"light"的有鱼鲜,yummy D
今天早上去了和商市场对面的朝市内吃一度失传的鱼酱汤面,小店很亲切,有免费咖啡和茶水,农公"俗"亲,店主立刻问他是否病了,要不要药(so sweet). 鱼酱汤面汤底有"light"和 "heavy"选择,试了以后认为"light"的有鱼鲜,yummy D
was extremely tired the last few days.... and only managed to read others' blogs .... no energy left to start writing my 遊記....
am rather refreshed now ...
extremely busy lately, have to complete some tasks on hand before leaving for my hahaha holiday ....
but read this from the newspaper and can't resist the urge to share with blogmates
聽講一門的玉子厚燒好正.... 好, 又同農公去踩場
問waiter 邊隻玉子厚燒最多人叫, 佢二話不說就幫我寫"海膽玉子厚燒"....(其他d厚燒只要$38-45, 唯獨海膽要$80...都唔知佢有無老點....)