上回話說農婦d錢入晒金魚缸...先醒起weekend (9.20-9.21) 要去馬交... 雖然農婦唔賭, 但都要食....莫財...典算??
好在記得仲有個貪得意開的戶口, ...好...就去close account ....反晒我應得既...(都係三千零...)
Mevas Bank seems to be owned by the son/ daughter of Dah Sing Bank .... Its products are cute but have limited appeal to the mass market .... It has only got 3 branches and a real user would seldom consider such bank .... except for those "mo-liu" person like me ....... when I withdraw the money, I have to go the the Dah Sing Bank next door to get the money ....
But still, most would envy the son/daughter ....有幾何你老豆可以o甘大資本俾你玩??
又同場加映下: 話說某個好攪o野o既economist 好無聊o甘做o左個統計, 發現d分析員對股市的"預測"的準確度係一半一半.... ...