如果看官以為農婦在講股市, 就 I am so sorry .... 莫講話農婦唔識股....就算識, 都唔應, 亦覺無必要, 更無能去估底(除非係神) ....
2008.9.30 completed....
2008.10.1 - moved in with mattress/pillow and important ones only (yes, we have no intention of renovating the place ... would like to G殘d first)
2008.10.6 - packed things till 3:00 a.m. of 2008.10.7
2008.10.7 - moved >70 boxes and cheapy furniture to new place... being charged $9000 (claimed that because it took two lorries to relocate my stuff ) but still one of the mean 大隻佬 kept on saying that my place was just too small for all the stuff
2008.10.8 - took a day off to unpack ... unpacked all the clothings (9 big bags!!!)
and major kitchen ware ....
other progress
睡房外最"好"的房間 (只餘約十箱)