- Jul 04 Wed 2007 18:51
清明上河圖為背景的歷史小說 - 汴京殘夢
- Jul 04 Wed 2007 15:21
澳門?? 又澳門??
we've only been to Macao around two months ago. but having no better place to go during 7.1 and wanting to leave HK, and wanting to buy some antique at ZhuHai.... went to Macao again last weekend. The focus was still .... food
Went to a new portugese restaurant in 仔. Food not good at all

- Jun 29 Fri 2007 11:01
緻好茶館 - 美味住家菜
If you are like us, forced to eat out almost everyday, you would probably crave home-made food. My first choice is still mom's place (don't you think mom's cooking (or dad's cooking) is the best?). Yet, as I do not want to give extremely short notice to mom, if I have an expected early night (i.e. no need to OT till mid-night), I would like very much to have 緻好茶館 nearby my work place.
Tried 緻好茶館 (it's near SoHo) for the first time last week. We had...
- Jun 28 Thu 2007 11:33
JW's California - 富人晚餐

- Jun 27 Wed 2007 11:53
鏞記 - 中環食堂
Acknowledge - Special thanks to handsome + tall + responsible + smart camera man who helped taking the photos.

- Jun 22 Fri 2007 09:31
Pho Hoa - CWB 美味越菜
Big discovery - HB actually prefers eating out (understandable, as if we eat at home, he would be the one cooking and doing the dishes)