目前分類:食開又講 (29)
- Dec 09 Tue 2008 09:26
- Sep 12 Fri 2008 09:53
月餅試食--- 美心, 聘珍樓, 馬會, 中國會大比拼
大老闆祕書琴日玩分餅仔... 見農婦肥得來好似又唔怕繼續肥...一 o野來幾件俾農婦試味 ....
以下是來自美心, 聘珍樓, 馬會, 中國會 的 佳麗.... 結果係....????
- Jul 31 Thu 2008 20:15
內地英文菜名 - 笑死人
extremely busy lately, have to complete some tasks on hand before leaving for my hahaha holiday ....
but read this from the newspaper and can't resist the urge to share with blogmates
- Jun 27 Fri 2008 17:46
住家 Farewell Dinner
若問農婦最鍾意去邊樹食 ...唔駛諗 ... 梗係住家菜啦 .... 乜都唔駛問...誠意心機已經無限分....
繼上次去完朋友p 食無敵好味餐...今次去朋友f 家farewell 朋友s
- Jun 10 Tue 2008 16:09
生記 vs 執左但令人懷念的食店
生記個位係以前農婦的愛舖"醉湖"的所在地...ANYWAY, 前幾日去過, 發現.... 生記個味道仍尚可的鹽焗雞最近大縮水...其他又細碟左..仲有d唔得...
- Dec 05 Wed 2007 16:36
有讀 chemistry 或 integrated science 的 blog 友應該識 universal indicator ... 下圖係兩張universal indicator paper - 一張曾浸在 coke zero 中, 另一浸在醋中 .... yes, 他們的酸鹼值相約, 是強酸
我幾乎無可樂不歡, 點知係強酸, ph value = 2 to 3
- Sep 04 Tue 2007 13:43
新出品 - cappuccino 麥提莎 + 淳茶舍
- Jul 09 Mon 2007 12:10
很有heart 的一餐
07.07.07 - only one year one month and one day to go before the 08 Beijing Olimipics and our team celebrated the day by feasting at boss' place. (actually, we went there at boss' invitation)
The table setting would have told you that this would be "fine dining".